£15 Minimum Wage 2nd in Ballot!

We smashed it!

Thank you to everyone who ranked my motion “£15 Minimum Wage” first in the ballot, it received 10494 points, initially placing it second, and then 3rd after modifiers, after “Updates to the Philosophical Basis”.

This means it is guaranteed to be heard at Conference, the hard part has undoubtedly been done!

Big thank you to Matthew Hull Chair of the GPTU, Ian Hodson and Sarah Woolley of the BFAWU, and every single one of you who helped get it to Conference.

Thank You! £15 Minimum Wage was 2nd in the Ballot, and 3rd after Modifiers! This means it is guarantee to be heard at Conference, Thanks so much for everyone who ranked it top. See you at Conference!

What now?

The biggest thing to do now is, if you can, attend Green Party Autumn Conference, in Harrogate on the 30th September to 2nd October and Vote FOR the motion!

If you see me there, say hello! I’ll have cool socialist stickers to sell.

P.S, full list of motions and points on the Green Member’s Website here.


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